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Writer: BetterBodiesBetterBodies

❓Do you have pain on the inside or outside of your knee? Then here are a few common injuries we see in clinic that you could be suffering with… ➡️ Medial knee pain:

💥 MCL sprain/rupture – Medial Collateral Ligament located on the inside of the knee, 3 severities: grade 1 – overstretch/sprain, grade 2 – partial tear, grade 3 – complete rupture. Usually injured by the knee being pushed inwards or twisting the knee. Often pain, stiffness and tenderness on the inside of the knee. 💥 Medial meniscus tear – Damage to the shock absorbing cartilage on the inside of the knee. Often caused from twisting your knee but can result from degenerative wear and tear. An audible ‘pop’ maybe be heard, with stiffness, swelling and tenderness on the inside of the knee. It may feel as if the knee joint is catching or locking or giving way. 💥 Pes anserine bursitis – Inflammation of the pes anserine bursa located between the shinbone and 3 tendons on the inside of the knee. Usually develops from overuse or constant friction, common in runners. Often slow developing pain on the inside of the knee that increases when climbing stairs. ⬅️ Lateral knee pain:

💥 IT Band syndrome – Inflammation and irritation of the iliotibial (IT) band insertion point, located on the outside of the knee. Overuse injury caused by repetitive motions seen in running and cycling. Causes pain and tenderness on the outside of the knee with pain often radiating up towards the hip. 💥 LCL sprain/rupture – Lateral Collateral Ligament located on the outside of the knee, 3 severities: grade 1 - overstretch/sprain, grade 2 – partial tear, grade 3 – complete rupture. Usually injured by the knee being pushed outwards or over extending the knee. Often pain and tenderness on the outside of the knee, potentially some swelling and bruising. 💥Lateral meniscus tear - Damage to the shock absorbing cartilage on the outside of the knee. Often caused from twisting your knee but can result from degenerative wear and tear.An audible ‘pop’ maybe be heard, with stiffness, swelling and tenderness on the inside of the knee.

Suffering with one of these conditions? Let us know! 👍📩



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